About Me
About Me

I received my BA in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania (1993), my Masters degree in Social Work from Columbia University (1996), a certificate in couples and family therapy from The Family Institute of Philadelphia (2000), and my Ph.D. in Social Work from Bryn Mawr College’s Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research (2016). Additionally, I am a certified coder for the Adult Attachment Interview, a research measure of adult attachment styles, and I have training in AF-EMDR. I have experience working in agency settings and have been in private practice since 2003. I have also been a Lecturer at Bryn Mawr College’s School of Social Work and Social Research and have taught several continuing education courses on attachment theory and clinical practice.
Pennsylvania Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Attachment and Adult Clinical Practice: An Integrated Perspective on Developmental Theory, Neurobiology, and Emotional Regulation
Available through Routledge and AmazonArticles, chapters, and presentations
Mandelbaum, T. (2018). The Relationship between Attachment and Grit in Lower Income Adolescents Journal of Character Education, 14(1), 59-74.
Mandelbaum, T. (2011). Psychological tasks associated with divorce: Eat, Pray, Love (2010), An Unmarried Woman (1978), and Kramer vs. Kramer (1979). The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 71(2), 121-133.
Mandelbaum, T., Shapiro, J. (2011) Being "Psychologically Held": Separation and Reparation in the Parent-Child Relationship. Psychoanalytic Social Work Journal, 18 (1), 54-78.
Mandelbaum, T. (2011, March 6). In her wake: A child psychiatrist explores the mystery of her mother's suicide. [Review of the book In her wake: A child psychiatrist explores the mystery of her mother's suicide, by N. Rappaport]. International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies. 8 (1), 97-99.
Austrian, S. G., & Mandelbaum, T. (2008). Attachment theory. In Austrian, S.G. (Ed.), Developmental Theories Through the Life Cycle (pp. 365-414). New York: Columbia University Press.
"The Psychological Impact of Deciding on Career and Family Balance", T. Mandelbaum and S. Sassoon, poster presentation at APA Conference, Washington D.C., August 2005.
Kobak, R., & Mandelbaum, T. (2003). Caring for the caregiver: An attachment approach to assessment and treatment of child problems. In Johnson, S. M. & Whiffen, V. E (Eds.), Attachment processes in couple and family therapy (pp.144-164). New York: Guilford Press.
"Attachment style and communication patterns", T. Mandelbaum, poster presentation at PAMFT conference, Philadelphia, PA, April 2003.
"The relationship between attachment style, intimacy, and adult friendships", S. Sassoon, T. Mandelbaum, and V. Gaines, poster presented at APA Conference, San Francisco, August 2001
"Attachment style and therapeutic outcome", T. Mandelbaum and S. Sassoon, poster presentation at APA Conference, Washington D.C., August 2000. This poster was based on the quantitative research study conducted within Jewish Family and Children's Service.
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